Thursday, February 21, 2008

Playing Today: Nothing

Dear Blog (because if I had readers I'd be writing to them),

Sorry that you have been neglected recently. I am busy with life and might need a break for a while. It's me, not you. I'm sorry to say this. But, at least we can remain friends.



Saturday, February 9, 2008

Playing This Weekend: Poker Smash, Crystal Quest

Poker Smash continues to dominate my game time. This game continues to show subtle complexities each time I play - and the multiplayer is especially fun. I expect that this game will see quite a future ahead of it, including eventual ports to PSP and DS. Count on it.

The new multiplier system of Crystal Quest changes the game a bit but didn't floor me with new found fun. The tweak is a notable reason to give the game another look - but not a reason to convince you to buy.

Finally received Culdcept Saga in the mail. Haven't played yet - but I will soon enough.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Playing Today: Poker Smash

Not much to account for the past two days. Except for the fact that I played Poker Smash on my XBOX 360. This puzzle game (aka Tetris clone) is pretty funny and fascinating. It doesn't require a working grasp of poker just the ability to match colors and letters. I've just touched on the surface and I enjoy it so far. Here's to hoping multiplayer is as fun as I think it will be!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Playing This Weekend: The Orange Box, Burnout Revenge, Burnout Legends, Rock Band

Still working on taking down Half-Life 2. One, maybe two more levels to go. I definitely like the story and can't wait to play some of Episode 1.

I spent some more time playing Burnout Revenge and Burnout Legends. Mostly, I played the road rage mode online; Revenge still has a pretty active community of players. Perhaps I will need to try Burnout Paradise.

We played more Rock Band. No new tunes just more world tour action. I tried my hand at three finger playing and played some songs on Hard difficulty. I even took down my first Expert song on Guitar.