Sunday, August 12, 2007

Playing This Weekend: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Crackdown, Dead Rising

Played a handful of Fantastic Four this weekend. The game has grown me a bit but it is still plagued by glitches, camera issues, and repetitive gameplay. The voiceovers are still piss poor and the graphics leave a lot to be desire. However, none of these problems are game breakers. For now the game is simply best seen as a time kill. If you're looking for fun and innovation try something different.

I spent more time with some classic games but nothing new was really discovered. Okay, maybe one thing - co-op in Crackdown is quite the frustration. If both dudes don't have identical downloads the game halts. And even worse, the data transfer time is almost unbearable. Good luck Halo 3.

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