Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Playing Today: Beautiful Katamari, Sonic the Hedgehog

The new Katamari Demo arrived the other day and it's pretty good stuff. The gameplay is identical to the other Katamari games and the control is tight. The highlight of this demo was the graphics. Katamari was always a pretty game but seeing it in vivid HD was quite a sight. Fans of the original should be pleased. One problem I foresee in Katamari's future is the limited freshness this game might have. If the gameplay stays the same the only thing you could really add is new levels. Will that be enough to justify a new game every year?

I'm almost through the original Sonic but I'm stuck on the final boss. I can't believe they shaft me with zero rings. Perhaps 50 more tries and I'll save the rest of the fuzzy bunnies.

Finally, some sad news. My XBOX 360 is having issues and is returning to Microsoft for repairs. I guess I'm stuck with my DS & PSP for the short term. Whimper.

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