Thursday, June 7, 2007

Playing Today: Forza Motorsport 2, Guitar Hero II, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Loco Roco, Grandia II, Pac-Man Championship Edition

A whole bunch of sequels have been in rotation this week. I finished up some achievements in Fuzion Frenzy 2 and I have one more left to go. This game is still absolutely redonkulous to play but once you've figured out some of the mini-games, the computer is pretty easy to beat. Soon enough I'll never have to play it again.

More time spent with Forza Motorsport 2. The graphics continue to amaze and staying on the track continues to frustrate. I was able to win a race with all of the assists of and while driving manual. Doing so took multiple tries but is fulfilling in the long run. Also, figuring out that you can hire a driver to win for you is a nice little bend-of-the-rules.

After a few days off, I picked up the axe and returned to Guitar Hero II. Possum Kingdom is like second nature now and I wasn't very far away from my first 100k performance. Too bad when I tried hard & expert I was annihilated. For now I'll stick with Easy & Medium.

I bought Grandia II used for the PlayStation 2. I loved this game on the Dreamcast but memories and video games tend to warp drastically. The dialogue is still corny and silly, but for some reason I remember the music being much better. Who knows if I will ever pick this game up again.

Loco Roco is still awesome and the new Pac-Man was better than expected. Although, I doubt I'll end up buying it.

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