Friday, July 27, 2007

Playing This Week: Bomberman Live, The Bigs, WTF, Gauntlet, Transformers, Mega Man Powered Up, Blitz: The League

Wow. I have no excuse for missing a week's worth of blogs. I'll definitely try to fix that, don't you worry. I tried out Blitz: The League and was underwhelmed. It felt like one of those games that deserved more of my time - but The Bigs just kept sucking me back in. So, I sent Blitz back and am at the World Series of the The Bigs.

I also tried WTF (Work Time Fun) on my PSP. Again, this was an interesting game; however, not a game I could see myself owning or playing half as much as my other PSP games. After twenty minutes that found its way to the mailbox too.

Transformers showed up a few days back and I surprisingly enjoyed it. The environments are almost completely destructible and the narration is cool. My only issue so far (and I'm only one hour in) is the mission structure. The missions are video game cliches: race missions, protect missions, and fighting. That's cool for kids and quick playing but not likely to provide that great of an experience.

I finally defeated Mega Man Powered Up and was satisfied with that experience. I really hope that Capcom makes a sequel or takes this version to XBLA. Look for more Transformers commentary this weekend!

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